Today one of my Facebook followers brought to my attention that West Virginia state senator Sen. Patricia Rucker, R-Jefferson, wants to get a resolution though the state senate in regards to the apparent epidemic of men watching porn and the related health crises this is causing.
Now here is how my mind works. My first thought was where did this research come from? Who knew it was an epidemic and then I thought why? Well lets first look at her claims and they may be true, I have no personal knowledge of such things. She says
OK, so guys in West Virginia is spending far to much time watching Porn. Ok so how are we going to address this epidemic that is apparently of epidemic proportions and resulting in a health crises? Here is some facts. The greatest amount of porn distribution today I would suspect is from the internet. So how do you regulate the distribution of porn over the internet? Lets hold that thought and address this. Pornography (Adult over the age of 18) is not illegal and is protected under the Constitutions first amendment. (See reference below). Child Pornography is already illegal both to produce, to view, and to have in ones possession.
So with that said, how does West Virginia even plan to deal with this crises? There is little if anything West Virginia can do about access to porn. The supply is plentiful, free in some cases, and available with just a click of the mouse on ones computer. It is also a retail business as anyone driving along I-64 could read the billboard signs for the Lions Den, a retail establishment that sells pornography.
Is the state going to set up counseling centers for those who feel they are addicted to pornography? Not quite sure that is going to be successful. So I have to ask, just what is the plan other than say its a problem and we want to go on record though legislation to say it is a problem.
But West Virginia has bigger fish to fry and problems far more serious than this. Just to mention a few of the issues that needs the lawmakers full time attention.
First is the true epidemic of drug use. Its killing our children and more important to the legislators, there voters. The state needs a commission to monitor all opioids being sold by drub manufactures' into the state. Much like the state regulates alcohol and tobacco. Pharmacies needs to be tied together in a database where an individual cannot be getting the same prescription filled at numerous locations. That they are all tied together in a state database. That would go a long way to reduce the abuse and prevent another Kermit West Virginia incident from occurring.
Second, West Virginia needs to work on creating strict environmental controls that would prevent mining and chemical companies from polluting our steams and damaging our environment. Since the federal government is all but crippling the EPA West Virginia needs to address these health risk.
Third, West Virginia needs to do more to protect its police and citizens by tightening up gun laws and over turn the conceal and carry law. This puts law enforcement in a dangerous environment. And it puts the citizens in danger also. It is easy to imagine a paranoid police officer confronting someone and asking for an id. When the person reaches inside his coat the officer feels he could be reaching for a gun and the otherwise simple interaction becomes one of lethal consequence's. I could not imagine any police officer who agrees with the conceal and carry permit.
Forth. The heath care for the citizens of West Virginia who under the new health care law currently being drafted by congress could result in thousands of West Virginians loosing heath care.
So I would say to Patricia Rucker, you need to keep your eye on the ball and let your church deal with the moral issues of pornography. It stand a better chance getting addressed there.
West Virginia Gazette Mail Story.
Wikipedia Definition of the fist amendment.
Now here is how my mind works. My first thought was where did this research come from? Who knew it was an epidemic and then I thought why? Well lets first look at her claims and they may be true, I have no personal knowledge of such things. She says
"pornography viewership ultimately damages families and children, can cause depression, psychological issues and self-esteem issues, and leads to the objectification of women and domestic violence."She goes on to say that pornography is equal to the opioid crisis in West Virginia. Really? Well I would love to know where her research comes from? There must be a lot of surveillance going on to justify such a statement.
OK, so guys in West Virginia is spending far to much time watching Porn. Ok so how are we going to address this epidemic that is apparently of epidemic proportions and resulting in a health crises? Here is some facts. The greatest amount of porn distribution today I would suspect is from the internet. So how do you regulate the distribution of porn over the internet? Lets hold that thought and address this. Pornography (Adult over the age of 18) is not illegal and is protected under the Constitutions first amendment. (See reference below). Child Pornography is already illegal both to produce, to view, and to have in ones possession.
So with that said, how does West Virginia even plan to deal with this crises? There is little if anything West Virginia can do about access to porn. The supply is plentiful, free in some cases, and available with just a click of the mouse on ones computer. It is also a retail business as anyone driving along I-64 could read the billboard signs for the Lions Den, a retail establishment that sells pornography.
Is the state going to set up counseling centers for those who feel they are addicted to pornography? Not quite sure that is going to be successful. So I have to ask, just what is the plan other than say its a problem and we want to go on record though legislation to say it is a problem.
But West Virginia has bigger fish to fry and problems far more serious than this. Just to mention a few of the issues that needs the lawmakers full time attention.
First is the true epidemic of drug use. Its killing our children and more important to the legislators, there voters. The state needs a commission to monitor all opioids being sold by drub manufactures' into the state. Much like the state regulates alcohol and tobacco. Pharmacies needs to be tied together in a database where an individual cannot be getting the same prescription filled at numerous locations. That they are all tied together in a state database. That would go a long way to reduce the abuse and prevent another Kermit West Virginia incident from occurring.
Second, West Virginia needs to work on creating strict environmental controls that would prevent mining and chemical companies from polluting our steams and damaging our environment. Since the federal government is all but crippling the EPA West Virginia needs to address these health risk.
Third, West Virginia needs to do more to protect its police and citizens by tightening up gun laws and over turn the conceal and carry law. This puts law enforcement in a dangerous environment. And it puts the citizens in danger also. It is easy to imagine a paranoid police officer confronting someone and asking for an id. When the person reaches inside his coat the officer feels he could be reaching for a gun and the otherwise simple interaction becomes one of lethal consequence's. I could not imagine any police officer who agrees with the conceal and carry permit.
Forth. The heath care for the citizens of West Virginia who under the new health care law currently being drafted by congress could result in thousands of West Virginians loosing heath care.
So I would say to Patricia Rucker, you need to keep your eye on the ball and let your church deal with the moral issues of pornography. It stand a better chance getting addressed there.
West Virginia Gazette Mail Story.
Wikipedia Definition of the fist amendment.