Has it really been three years since I last posted? I feel like life really does fly bye. Am I really turning 60 years old next month. In some ways a very short time and in others a very long time. I am facing the idea of retirement. So many questions and such a big decision. The idea of going where I want and living life on my time table instead of the time table of a full time job is appealing. But I really hate not having enough money to take care of me and my daughter and grand-kids. So I have to make hard decisions. The job is a great job that I work at. That makes the decision even harder. Well, I must take some time alone and do some serious soul searching and financial planning.

I also have been feeling very lonely for female companionship lately. Most of the time it really does not bother me as I am very busy with life and responsibilities. But then I slow down and realize that something is missing. It is a combination of a lot of emotions, feelings, loneliness without really being alone, and yes hormones and testosterone come into play. As the lyrics from the song ONE by Three Dog Night says "Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do" But sadly it is difficult to find some one today that does not come with a lot of emotional baggage or financial needs. I understand that everyone has crap to deal with in there life but the thoughts of dealing with my own life's crap and then taking on more crap is just unbearable to me right now.

Last night I made a political candidate blunder that resulted in me loosing an election. As Vice President of the Tri-State Arts Association in Huntington West Virginia I thought I would like to step up and take on the job as President. My blunders was two fold. One I ran for President against an incumbent without really letting the members know my goals and aspirations and without doing any politicking. The second blunder was I ran for Vice President again as well as President. This appears to have confused the voters in the club. So I lost both positions. I am still on the board but I must admit it took some of the wind out of my sails. Today I am simply a board member of TSAA. To quote Star Trec and the borg, I am one of nine.


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