
Showing posts from 2004
Return to Wonderland I have been away for a while and to my loyal Blogger community I say, "Sorry". Here it is almost Christmas time again. The time of year that we spend to much money because we feel pressured into it by the capitalistic society that we live in. The commericals show us that in order to express our true feeling of love for someone we have to spend insane amounts of money purchasing there product. So this year my goal is not to be a scrooge. I am throwing Mikes first annual Christmas party. A time of drink, food and celibration. A time of fellowship and interaction. A time where love can be shown in the giving of ones time. And I hope one of fond memories. I plan to take pictures and then post them next year. And to create a scrap book of Mikes Christmas Parties. I promise to BLOG about this after the big event on Thursday, December 16th from 6:00-10:00pm at Country Club Appartments Community Room. Open invitation to my local bloggers. Its also hard to be...
LIFE IN WONDERLAND Some may speculate why I refer to my little part of Planet Earth as Wonderland. The reference it to Alice in Wonderland and how she was amazed by the insanity of what occurred there. In many ways I feel the same way. In my busy life I take times to reflect on what is happening to our world and what is going on around me. My blog is my literary release on my observations for the world to read if they care to. My most recent observations maybe considered ramblings of an old man. I think of my father what I make such observations, as I was always intrigued at all he found wrong in the world. This is not to say that I am unhappy in any way with life, just it is amazing what society and people in general put up with. And without any resistance. I refer to most people as sheep. You can lead them to their death and even if they knew of the impending demise they would simply follow along with the group. So here are some of my recent observations that fall into this c...
Moring Time In Wonderland. I just love Sunday Mornings after getting a full eight hours of sleep and starting out slow. A full day of shopping and cleaning the appartment awaits me. Well I have discovered a wonderful place in Wonderland where others come to meet and it does not require alcohol. My new hangout is Starbucks and my drink is Tazo Chi Tea Latte with low fat milk and two Spendas, and a sugar free brownie on the side. This plus some wonderful conversations with others from Wonderland and the formula make for a great retreat. It kind of feels like Cheers and I have my big easy chair that is awaiting me there. I had my first problem that had to be corrected on the new home project . The block layers or masons as they call themselves could not read a set of plans and laid up a wall four inches off. Luckily the wall was only about six feet long and two blocks high so it only took about an hour to break it down and clean up the mess. But it was enough o...
Still Alive in Wonderland! Will I made it through the operation and survived to tell the tale. Here is what happened. Well I made it to the other side of the surgery. All and all, for me it was not as bad as I had expected. Others who had it done the same day were not as lucky but all of them are doing ok now. Here is what happened. 7:00am I arrived at the hospital at 7:00am with my sister and my brother. I was a basket case of nerves at that time but trying to stay up-beat. I had to have some more blood work done so off I went to the lab. After the vampire took some of my blood I was off to pre-op where they put me in a designer gown. I think it was designed by Dr. Seemore Buts. lol. Well then they came in and started an IV and my friend and pastor showed up. We had a nice brief meeting and a prayer and then my sister and brother came in to say good-bye. GOOD-BYE - goodness sakes, Alice where is the exit!!!!. At this point I was being wheeled down the hall with the lights p...
How to build a home in the monsoon season. Well it has been raining now for almost 2 weeks and more rain in the forecast. I would not normally care but I have footers to poor concrete into and that just does not work in the rain. I am hoping that this Friday is the big day. After the footers are pored then the work can really begin. The masons (Block Layers) and Framers are waiting in the wings to start and I still have a big mud hole for a construction site. I am also getting very close to the big surgery day. The 22nd of this month and I go under the knife for the first time in my life. Gastro-redux-bypass surgery. A life time of being big and now it is time to see what it is like to be small, or at least significantly smaller. Well, now that I am set back up on my web page from home I can get back into Blogging more.
I have survived. I am back and so much as changed since my last post I do not know where to start. I sold the house in Hurricane and moved to an apartment. I have approval on a loan to start building my new retirement home. I am moving the last things out of the workshop to my brother’s new garage this weekend. God willing and the creek do not rise. My X has moved away to New Orleans where she can freely party and live with another guy. Life is strange and I just at times cannot figure it out. The president continues to mystify me as to how he can make the decisions he makes and thinks that the country will still vote him back in. Just how does eliminating the overtime pay for 8 million Americans make you more likely to get re-elected? But his approval rating is staying around 58 percent. Just cannot figure out what these conservatives see in him. I think that it is the ostrich syndrome; keep your head berried in the sand and everything will be fine. Well it’s late a...