Moring Time In Wonderland.

I just love Sunday Mornings after getting a full eight hours of sleep and starting out slow. A full day of shopping and cleaning the appartment awaits me.

Well I have discovered a wonderful place in Wonderland where others come to meet and it does not require alcohol. My new hangout is Starbucks and my drink is Tazo Chi Tea Latte with low fat milk and two Spendas, and a sugar free brownie on the side. This plus some wonderful conversations with others from Wonderland and the formula make for a great retreat. It kind of feels like Cheers and I have my big easy chair that is awaiting me there.

I had my first problem that had to be corrected on the new home project. The block layers or masons as they call themselves could not read a set of plans and laid up a wall four inches off. Luckily the wall was only about six feet long and two blocks high so it only took about an hour to break it down and clean up the mess. But it was enough of an error for me to find new masons to finish the job. But with good weather in the forecast all week we should be back on schedule and work is progressing. I ordered the windows and doors and put a deposit on some of the lumber on Saturday with 84 Lumber. They finally brought their prices down so that they were competitive. I hope that in the future they continue to offer me contractor pricing but I am going to keep a close eye on them.

I am still loosing weight. I am down about 84 pounds from my pre-surgical weight. I went from a 58 waist to a 44 and had to purchase some new pants. I am expecting to loose another 100 pounds over the next year. Each day gets easier to live without food. It is amazing how efficient the body is and how little it can live on. My intake now is about a cup of food a day. Depending on the type of food and how liquid it is. I can take soup better than dry foods and I am enjoying going out to eat again. But I always have food to take home and the cost savings is significant. If anyone is thinking of having Gastro Redux Bypass Surgery, they better do their homework. It is a serious step and is a lifetime of intestinal problems but the benefit is permanent weight loss.


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