Still Alive in Wonderland!

Will I made it through the operation and survived to tell the tale. Here is what happened.

Well I made it to the other side of the surgery. All and all, for me it was not as bad as I had expected. Others who had it done the same day were not as lucky but all of them are doing ok now.
Here is what happened.
I arrived at the hospital at 7:00am with my sister and my brother. I was a basket case of nerves at that time but trying to stay up-beat. I had to have some more blood work done so off I went to the lab. After the vampire took some of my blood I was off to pre-op where they put me in a designer gown. I think it was designed by Dr. Seemore Buts. lol. Well then they came in and started an IV and my friend and pastor showed up. We had a nice brief meeting and a prayer and then my sister and brother came in to say good-bye. GOOD-BYE - goodness sakes, Alice where is the exit!!!!. At this point I was being wheeled down the hall with the lights passing overhead. You know, you see this in all the movies.
My surgeon "Dr. Shin" comes and ask how I am doing. I told him that more important, how is he doing. He said great, so that helped. He said I was going to do fine. They came in and gave me something to relax my stomach and that was a good idea. I was still not sure that this is what I wanted to do. Then they told me that they would have to put a tube down my throat before they put me under just as a precaution. I told them that I had a very sensitive gag reflex and did not care for that idea a bit. But just then I was being wheeled into the OR.
They had be slide over on the OR table and there must have been a dozen people around me. All looking like bandits with masks. You know, to protect there identity if I wanted to find them later. They sprayed some stuff down my throat that was suppose to numb me. Well when they tried to place that school bus size thing down my throat I gagged it right back out. Then someone had a great idea of taking a needle and giving me four injections right in my neck. Well then they tried the school bus down the throat again with the same response. My surgeon arrived just in the nick of time and said - "Go ahead and give him........zzzzzzzzzzz" The next thing I know I was in recovery.
Recovery. I came awake with someone telling me to open my eyes. All I wanted to do was sleep. But then it hit me that I did it. OMG, I did this thing and still not sure if it was the right thing to do. I also was surprised that there was very little pain. My shoulder hurt but I thought it was the gas that they pump into you because I was told it would settle in your shoulder sometimes. The abdomen was sore but no worse than being hit with a baseball bat or a bad fight at the local pub on Saturday night.
Arrived in my private room. Very nice.
Over the next 2 days I learned that you can live on Popsicles and that the pain was not all that bad, except for my shoulder that just would not stop throbbing. My doctor told me they may have pulled a tendon when they put me under and strapped me down. They had me up and walking around the hospital 3 hours out of surgery. The first day, all I wanted to do was sleep but with having to drink floods every 15 minutes, them taking blood "Vampires do come out during the day time" and generally pestering the cr**p out of me, it was not too bad.
My surgeon said I did very well. All the reports were great and I was able to walk rings around the other patients so he released me early. I should get a kick back from the Insurance Company but I am not betting on that happening.
I was out in 2 days from the hospital and since then each day gets a little better. I am down 30 pounds which included 10 pounds from pre-surgery diet. I am still on an all liquid diet. My new stomach has the capacity of a tea spoon. About 1/2 oz. But over time it will stretch.
I also have not had any problems with nausea or throwing up. I may still have that to look forward to.
I am monitoring my email from home - Love that technology.
Thanks for everyone's support. In a few months I will be a new person. There will not be a single girl in Huntington area that would be safe. "Fathers - lock up you daughters".

Well now it is two months past the surgery date and I have lost around 80 pounds. I am able to get around better but still feel like I have a slight case of intestinal virus. I end up trowing up about every other day. But all and all ever day gets a little better. More to come.


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