
Showing posts from August, 2004
Moring Time In Wonderland. I just love Sunday Mornings after getting a full eight hours of sleep and starting out slow. A full day of shopping and cleaning the appartment awaits me. Well I have discovered a wonderful place in Wonderland where others come to meet and it does not require alcohol. My new hangout is Starbucks and my drink is Tazo Chi Tea Latte with low fat milk and two Spendas, and a sugar free brownie on the side. This plus some wonderful conversations with others from Wonderland and the formula make for a great retreat. It kind of feels like Cheers and I have my big easy chair that is awaiting me there. I had my first problem that had to be corrected on the new home project . The block layers or masons as they call themselves could not read a set of plans and laid up a wall four inches off. Luckily the wall was only about six feet long and two blocks high so it only took about an hour to break it down and clean up the mess. But it was enough o...
Still Alive in Wonderland! Will I made it through the operation and survived to tell the tale. Here is what happened. Well I made it to the other side of the surgery. All and all, for me it was not as bad as I had expected. Others who had it done the same day were not as lucky but all of them are doing ok now. Here is what happened. 7:00am I arrived at the hospital at 7:00am with my sister and my brother. I was a basket case of nerves at that time but trying to stay up-beat. I had to have some more blood work done so off I went to the lab. After the vampire took some of my blood I was off to pre-op where they put me in a designer gown. I think it was designed by Dr. Seemore Buts. lol. Well then they came in and started an IV and my friend and pastor showed up. We had a nice brief meeting and a prayer and then my sister and brother came in to say good-bye. GOOD-BYE - goodness sakes, Alice where is the exit!!!!. At this point I was being wheeled down the hall with the lights p...