Some may speculate why I refer to my little part of Planet Earth as Wonderland. The reference it to Alice in Wonderland and how she was amazed by the insanity of what occurred there. In many ways I feel the same way. In my busy life I take times to reflect on what is happening to our world and what is going on around me. My blog is my literary release on my observations for the world to read if they care to. My most recent observations maybe considered ramblings of an old man. I think of my father what I make such observations, as I was always intrigued at all he found wrong in the world. This is not to say that I am unhappy in any way with life, just it is amazing what society and people in general put up with. And without any resistance. I refer to most people as sheep. You can lead them to their death and even if they knew of the impending demise they would simply follow along with the group.

So here are some of my recent observations that fall into this category. Wal-Mart is one of the most successful and prosperous companies in the world today. It was orignially built by Sam Walton on providing good products at a low cost and great customer service. But in order to continue to be a world dominance in the retailing business they have to continue to find ways to keep cost down and profits high. With most areas already addressed like pressuring suppliers to continue to provide them products at cutthroat margins they now are testing the tolerance of their customers. Wal-Mart now figures that if they can get the customer to do there own check out then they can eliminate another dozen or so poor part time workers. Just keep this in mind, if you are younger than 30 you probably do not remember that stores had employees that worked full time and were provided benefits. These employees would check out your goods, pack them in bags, and then help you take them to your car. If you are 50 years or older you may even remember stores that would take your order over the phone and deliver you groceries right to your home and put them in your refrigerator. And at a cost that was much less a part of your total home budget then food cost is today. So you say, what can I do, it’s the future. Well first, do not support it. If you want to shop at Wal-Mart or Kroger’s, do not use the automated self-checkout stands. No matter how long it takes or how long the lines are at the regular checkout areas. If you have to stand in line a long time, complain to management that they need to have more check clerks and not more automated self-checkout stands. Tell the manager you’re not a sheep and that customer service is important to you. Also tell the manager that you object to automation that is designed to put people out of work. Do not let the manager or any Wal-mart employee try to tell you the “Fast Check” lines were designed to provide “Customer Service” They are there for one purpose and that is to eliminate jobs and increase profit. If we as a society do not stop this now, the next time you visit Wal-Mart you may be ask to help stock the shelves in order to get there so called great prices. One other thing to keep in mind. Sam Walton’s sons who now run the Wal-mart Empire make more money than half of all Americans combined income.

But the loss of Customer Service is not only evident at Wal-mart. That was just one example. I remember the days when you would pull your gas-guzzling automobile into a gas stations and the attendant would latterly run out to your car, clean the windshield, check your oil and tire pressure, and fill up your tank. All this with a thank you and a smile and for pennies on the gallon for gas. I also remember the days when gas stations would compete for your business. The days of free capitalism. Were if a station did not offer the best price on gas as well as the best customer service they would loose business to the station down the street. Now watch gas prices at stations. When one raises the gas price, all stations raise the price within a penny of the same price. This is called price fixing and is suppose to be against the law, but is not enforced. At some point in the future, you will find that people will say to themselves “We are not sheep. We will no longer go aimlessly into the night. We will say enough is enough” Customer service will then return. A company will need to win there customers back by offering there customer exceptional service. That customer service is not a cost to a company but it is a cost if you do not provide it. That customer service is more than words in a corporate slogan or a marketing statement. That the customer is the most important part of any business and should never be taken advantage of.


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