I have decided to start posting my thoughts about the state of our planet, our country and our future here on my blog.  That way they can be read by those who have an interest and skipped by those who have no interest.   Me writing about my feelings is mostly self serving and therapy.   I am a democrat.  Mainly because I believe like most democrats.  We share many of the same views.  But I also welcome self proclaimed independents and republican thoughts and views.  We may not agree but I do read the post and support your right to disagree with me.

So lets just get to right into todays news.  Today the RNC "Republican" party finally released what would be considered a pre-release of there replacement to the ACA "Affordable Care Act"  Or as it is known Obama Care.  President Obama all during his administration kept telling the RNC if you have a better plan or you want to change something submit it.  But it appears they either had no plan or did not want to help give credit to President Obama,  Donald Trump said during his campaign and after he was elected president that Obama Care was a disaster.  It was horrible.  And on his first day in office he was going to appeal the AFC "Obama Care". 

This fed the republican base frenzy and those who hated Obama.  They were ready to believe anything Donald Trump said no matter how irrespirable it may be.  People with common since and reasoning knew he could not do that.  That the across party lines ACA was already entranced into American society.  And only Congress could over turn it or replace it.  But the rhetoric continued into the Donald Trump presidency with the now president Donald Trump continuing to say the same thing.  However, after reality started settling in President Trump then started saying that there were parts of the AFC that he though was worthy of saving.  And later even saying that the AFC may just be modified.  This must of mortified his base.  Here we go, say one thing, do another.  People that's called Politics. 

Well finally today the RNC releases what some have termed Obama Light.  Its complex reading and honestly hard to understand.  But it appears is the new AFC will make it very expensive on older Americans, leave millions without any health coverage, and give huge tax breaks to the wealthy.  No reals surprise as this is what most Republicans do.  What I have found in my 65 years on this planet is the following.

Republicans are about Corporations and the Wealthy. Republicans get us into war and cut social programs.

Democrats are about all the citizens, they are about equal rights, and helping the poor.  They are about increasing social programs. 

So now back to the AFC.  There is little hope that the new changes will ever make it into law.  The reason is the new AFC does not help the poor or lower working class.  There is a majority of Republicans in the house and congress but this only helps them vote to appeal the AFC.  It requires a 60 percent vote to fund anything to replace it and that requires Democratic Support.  Something that the RNC does not have.  The Democratic members of the house and congress have said if you vote to appeal the AFC we will not vote to replace it.  The stale mate starts again.

Donald Trump said he is behind the RNC but there is little he can do unless he gets a bill on his desk to sign and that is not likely considering the Democrats will not vote for it.  And the house and congress is running out of time.  The 2018 elections are right around the corner and if the RNC does not get a replacement to the AFC then they will likely not get voted back in by there base.  And that means more democrats will be voted in and gain control of the house and congress.  Leaving the president very little power other than executive actions.  The same thing that republicans complained about Obama using.

Its going to be an interesting week.

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