Christmas Looms around the corner like a dark dragon.
Its that special season again were everything seems to hit a once. It is no wonder that the suicide rate is the highest during the Christmas Season. It is the time of the year when the Cold and Flu Virus are at there peak. When the sun has reached it soltrus and is the lowest on the horizon and you come to work and drive home in the dark. At this time of year you start to notice that all the green has disappeared from the hills and have been replaced with drab colors of brown. The sky turns a slate gray and it either rains or snows almost every day. The times when it is sunny the temperature drops to bone chilling cold. Also with everyone going more places that usual and this combined with weather related road hazards the accident rates climb to new heights.
And the reality of the season is we spend money we do not have on gifts that are forgotten two days after Christmas. With all the time and effort putting up Christmas decorations to only be outdone by your neighbors. And the party's that we have to dress up for and fix food for and clean up after only to think what the heck was that for and someone tell me if I had a good time.
With the kids over dosing on Christmas Junk to the point they are bouncing off the walls and all you want is two minutes of peace and quite you have to reminder yourself that Christmas is for children and retailers and not reasonable sane adults.
So if I could have anything I wanted for Christmas here is what it would be.
My Christmas List
(1) An all expense paid vacation for the month of December to Cancun Mexico. To set on the beach on soak up some rays while good looking scantly clad girls brings me food and drinks.
(2) All my Christmas Shopping is done in June and set to auto ship to the kids on December 22nd.
(3) To return to work on January 2nd with a tan and a smile on my face only to be the envy of everyone who was now realizing how much money they spent while trying to recover for the New Years Eve party where they tried to drowned there Christmas wows in as much alcohol there body's would hold.
So Ba Humbug on Christmas. Only 16 more days till it is over for another year.


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